Monday 6 February 2012


its been a hectic week for the past few weeks....

anyway.... for this entry i would like to share about my trip to Kota Belud last Saturday....
Kuala the name of the place that me and my friendS visited last Saturday....
Kuala Abai is dominated by the "Bajau" ethnic...
i ware lucky that day because there is a wedding near by the house that i stayed.....
the ceremony of the wedding is so beautiful.....
At first there is nothing different about the wedding from any wedding that i had attended...
soon after awhile.....everything change..
the people start dancing and singing(almost like chanting)...
According to my friend....the dance is called "Runsai Kagayan" and the song that i heard is not a song actually but a sort of poem in their native language....
the wedding is beautiful...
although we had already reach an age where everything is at the tip of our fingers, but here tradition of the old still being practiced and hand down from one generation to other......

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