Tuesday 7 February 2012

My Ex Best Friends...

there an old saying that says.....
Experience is not what happens to a man.  It is what a man does with what happens to him.  ~Aldous Leonard Huxley,Texts and Pretexts, 1932 


"You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes.” 

 for this entry its all about sadness and disappointment......
(this entry does not related to the "life must go on" entry...)

1) I've meet this guy for about 2 and 1/2 years already...we became friends in unexpected ways...and never in my life i meet this such a wonderful man who could make my world even better than other words, he's the kind of friends that everyone would die for....
god bless him with a kind,caring,and loving heart..he's the kind of person that places other before him....
and thank god i meet and be friends with this person
but unfortunately he's curse with sensitivity and temper....
even the smallest thing could be an issue for him..he could even hold grudge on you for years until his heart content......sometimes even though he knew he's the one to be blame but he would not say "sorry" as he's ego clouded his judgement....
but hey...he's still my friend..
here's the part when everything falls apart

2) lets just say me and my friend were in this mess and we were struggling to get our self out of it.....
we were questions like criminals and SUCKS!!!! 
anyways...its my turn to be "interview"....unfortunately.... I've said something that i wasn't supposed to say.... its not that im to be blame.....i have this problem where sometimes when i talk i talk in metaphor....
so in this case....he misunderstand the message and went rampage.....

everything fall apart just because of the bad selection of words that i used to defend my self....
trust matter what happen i would never sell my own comrades....
and what im trying to say is that

 "you have nothing to do with this...i did it out of my own free will..."

god knows how hurt i'm at that very own best friend accuse me with something that i would never could had done to him....

i didn't blame he's under the influence of his over dramatic friend....who happens to be there and to make things worse....he actually adding oil to my friends wrath...

all these time, i never could stay mad at him for so only he could.....
little did he know....i actually slowly forgive him for all the horrible tings that he said and did to me....
but everything is pointless as i recently found out that he wrote something bad about me...
it breaks my hearts to know that the man that i used to called my Best Friend wrote something like that.... 
well as i just mention before....
everything is pointless....
the things that i do to fix our friendship is pointless if you are still holding that silly grudge of yours....
if by any chance you are reading this....i would like you to know that part of me still think that you are still my best friends and nothing would never change that.....although we may go our separate ways.....i never regrets having you as my friend...and im sorry for everything that i have done....intentionally or not.... and also im sorry if you feel that im burdening you for the past few years....

and there's it....part of the story of my life....not a life that i would choose but i believe everything happens for a reasons.....and who knows door closes....another one opens.....

Monday 6 February 2012


its been a hectic week for the past few weeks....

anyway.... for this entry i would like to share about my trip to Kota Belud last Saturday....
Kuala the name of the place that me and my friendS visited last Saturday....
Kuala Abai is dominated by the "Bajau" ethnic...
i ware lucky that day because there is a wedding near by the house that i stayed.....
the ceremony of the wedding is so beautiful.....
At first there is nothing different about the wedding from any wedding that i had attended...
soon after awhile.....everything change..
the people start dancing and singing(almost like chanting)...
According to my friend....the dance is called "Runsai Kagayan" and the song that i heard is not a song actually but a sort of poem in their native language....
the wedding is beautiful...
although we had already reach an age where everything is at the tip of our fingers, but here tradition of the old still being practiced and hand down from one generation to other......

Thursday 2 February 2012

ding dong ding dong

huh! its a been a hectic week for the past few week.....
assignments are just like vitamins that need to be consume to gain better health.....